
Do you need to report an issue, suggest an improvement or ask for other information related to your IS Tools application?

Below, we describe how you can create an issue in our support tool.

We also describe the below functions

Create Issue

1. Log In

Log in to the support tool here. After logging in, you are presented with the form Create issue, which looks like the screenshot below.

2. Create Record

  • With reference to the screenshot above – in the Create Issue-form 1, click the create-icon 2 in the Details section and enter the required information.

  • In the Details section, click on the save button 3

3. Describe the Issue

  • With reference to the screenshot above – in the Description section, click the edit icon 3 and enter the details. This can include which form, field or record on which the issue occurs, or which role and user is experiencing it, and if there is an error message or reference.

  • Return to the Details section and click the save button 3.

The issue has now been created. Please note that you will receive an e-mail on creation, and also when the issue is updated.

Attach files

  • With reference to the image above – click the create button 4, and then the upload button 4.

  • Then click the save button 4.

Format text

Markdown can be used for formatting your description or comment. 

Follow-up on
reported issues

With the form View issue you can follow-up and add multiple attachments for reported issues. To add a comment:

  • Click on the save button in the Comments section.
  • Then click on the edit button in the same section.
  • Then use the save button in the same section.

Issues can also be managed using the form View all issues where all reported issues are displayed in a table section. An overview is given in the chart showing issues per status. The table section filter can be used to limit the result set to issues having a certain status.

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Embracing Digital processes Without Programming
Full-scale development of fiber network is ongoing in Sweden.
— If you can manage an excel spread sheet you can manage Tools. If we need a new feature it is easy to add on,